Project restore built into in London

Roominaroom is a restoration project completed by the Atmos. Winner of the 2013 UK Wood Award, the apartment is located in London, England, United Kingdom. This small jewel of residential customers have a family expanding, but the fixed walls.

As they could not expand upward or outward, we had to build in. We have designed a room within a room.
The project is generated from the planometricas restrictions and sectional simple but serious, literally growing from its context. Its volume gets into a corner to take the minimum volume, but its variety involved to maximize the feeling of spaciousness inside.

The room gathers a series of plans that combine carefully with maximum pleasure minimum volume. The room offers a rich and sensual journey multiprogrammed from the door to the bed. The room is wrapped in thin structural plywood ribs that they swell and retract when it is necessary to provide integrated furniture and to impose a film rhythm on the short but highly articulated journey through space. Your outer skin is covered with bright plaster that merge again into the existing room.

The double bed is located in a hollow of the wood in the shade at the back of the room, floating high to allow the passage below its cantilevered structure, and low enough to be reached from a plant, therefore I had to be at once raised as high as possible from its headquarters in the floor of the room, but low enough to leave things in front in the room above it. The cantilevers of the bed on the floor offer space for legs for future transformation into a generous table, as children grow and migrate, and the room becomes a workspace. The generous space provided below, originally conceived as simply the huge storage space that everyone dreams, was so admired that it became a forest Ballroom padded “small people”.

Frontal nerve is aligned with a window mullion vertical, providing fire fenestrated to the next room. Its timber framed entrance door of glass with a thin vertical portal that grows out of the ground and the branches on the ceiling. The wall behind the gantry can return to extend the room, holding a surface of horizontal table flowing forward into the bed itself.
Each posterior nerve that wrapped sensually around the room, is exposed as a platform of vertical supports South exposed both floor and ceiling along your journey through acoustic plasterboard wall opposite. Ribs soar and are curved backward to support both the stationary bed and cantilever desk, their surfaces were richly carved out to feed the views through the glazing film.

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The room is accessed by stairs spiral which grow from the corner of the room and flow between the pillars of the portal of entry, their lowest levels continue as a series of shelves alcove underneath. The steps provide carved floorstrips that trace the journey, eroding slowly towards the rear part inaccessible step in a carved contoured topography that eventually fades as a hole to reveal the following steps, your vacuum reflects acumuladado in a similar way by a floor mirror, through which the stair light flows fluently.

The thin line of oak carved serving as the front lip for rolling bands converge in a vertical network of lines that form a railing that are screwed around the corner and merge with the front edge of shelves, turning to track through the storage locker before the division and loops along the shelf above the bed, around your window and return along both sides of the bed and desk, ending fusion and diving on the floor where cross back to the line of graphic railing that first led them.


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