European Style Modern Private House Plan

A modern private house stands out among the neighbours with lines of attractive design that make reference to an up-to-date comfort and relaxation level. It occupies a plot of urban land in Winchester, England, the new home of the family presents its share of brick, which is part of the skin of Cedar clad with dark grey with a restoration of the carefree, hiding an inspiring inner world behind the well-kept.

Topped with a cantilevered flat roof, the House designed by AR Design Studio is flooded with natural light through windows with gray aluminum frame. Customers were looking for a fresh start and the Design Studio managed to create a bright and cheerful, place where the life of the family can find a new meaning.

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Organized around a central garden, ground floor includes the results of extensive research “on the connection between good architecture and its positive effects on the restoration and well-being”. Photographed by Martin Gardner, this contemporary House in England with views of the city through a series of carefully placed windows that unify the entire concept.

The conceptual unity behind his house was the beginning of the N 3: nature, natural light and natural air. Replacement House shape is defined by four interlocking boxes, the space enclosed in its Center is a ‘Zen’ Garden, with a single tree of olive in his heart. This simple design became the basis upon which the principles of the 3N could be built, allowing them to be incorporated into all aspects of the design. “Reflection and moments of contemplation that relieve pain and provide a brighter vision of the future through a perfect connection to nature. The architects say that “long visits that inspired the couple to look toward the future, the patio giving space for private inward and reflective moments. Subsequently, the House has been known as 4 views.

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